Kamis, 12 April 2012

Tugas 8

1. Definisi intransitive verb
Yaitu adalah kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan obyek, karena sudah dapat dipahami dengan sempurna makna kalimat tersebut.
Kata-kata kerja yang termasuk Intransitive verbs diantaranya adalah: Shine, come, sit, boil, sleep, fall, cry, dll.
2. kategori kata kerja intransitive
Auxiliary verb
False purpose
Finite verb
Non-finite verb
Split infinitive
Verbal noun

3. berikan contohnya minimal 10 kalimat
example of sentences :
Emmy arrives from Bandung by train today
They hurry go to school
we walk together to see the film
the cats stand on the roof
I usually wake up at five o’clock every morning
I always play with my cats every afternoon
we want to make a group for discussion
catherin seldom help her mother every morning
Mike bring some flower for his girlfriend
melissa always clean her hair twice a week
father cook us a noodles with cheese


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