Kamis, 12 April 2012

Tugas 7

1. Definisi Transitive Verb
Transitive Verbs (Kata Kerja Yang Membutuhkan Objek)
Yaitu kata kerja yang memerlukan object untuk menyempurnakan arti kalimat atau melengkapi makna kalimat.

Kata kerja Transitive diantaranya adalah: Drink, watch, read, fill, open, close, dll
  • He watches the film. (Kalimat ini tidak akan lengkap, jika "the film" kita hilangkan. Orang lain akan bertanya-tanya - menonton apa?, maka watch (menonton) membutuhkan object agar makna kalimat tersebut dapat dipahami).
  • The man cuts the tree.

2. kategori kata kerja transitive verb
regular & irregular verb
noun used as verb
infinitive verb

3. berikan contoh minimal 10 kalimat
Veny send the letter to his friend
I put the book on the table
Susi cooks rice in the kitchen
they study English together
she cleans the window every morning
I am read a novel on the bed
I am play play station 2 sometimes
my mother buys some vegetable in the market
my brother bring motorcycle every go to school
my father comes back home at 10 p.m.
he invites me to go to his friend birthday


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